@article{971, author = {Adele Goldberg}, title = {Usage-based constructionist approaches and Large Language Models}, abstract = {
The constructionist framework is more relevant than ever, due to efforts by a broad range of researchers across the globe, a steady increase in the use of corpus and experimental methods among linguists, consistent findings from laboratory phonology and sociolinguistics, and striking advances in transformer- based large language models. These advances promise exciting developments and a great deal more clarity over the next decade. The constructionist approach rests on two interrelated but distinguishable tenets: a recognition that constructions pair form with function at varying levels of specificity and abstraction, and the recognition that our knowledge and use of language are dynamic and usage based.
}, year = {2024}, journal = {Constructions and Frames}, publisher = {OSF}, url = {https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hz8p3n0w1zewtn885bm24/24_Goldberg_ConstructionsandFrames_formatted.pdf?rlkey=4hiv700bpwx15wmz0ykxw793b\&dl=0}, doi = {10.1075/cf.23017.gol}, }